Come join our community!

Why become a member of La Salette?

✔ To be a member is to belong to a living, dynamic Christian family, whose members' commitment is invigorated and embodied in the sharing of their faith in Jesus, while remaining firmly rooted in their own environment. Renewal of the member's card takes place on the same date as the member's entry into our community.  

 ✔Membership of Notre Dame De La Salette is an officially recognized form of belonging, open to all those who wish to deepen their Christian commitment by sharing in the activities that take place. Feeling accepted, respected and free to speak openly about your fears or hopes is the beginning of a solid friendship that you'll find through the fellowship of our members.

✔ By consulting the schedule of activities, you can find those that interest you: masses, rosaries, conferences, closed retreats, hours of adoration, prayers, etc.

Make Our Lady of La Salette known through your faith!

"I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in."
How will you respond to God's invitation?

Contact us

  • 156 Don Bosco St,
  • Chicoutimi, QC
  • G7H 2Z7

  • Phone (418) 545 6990


  • - The Centre's mission
  • - Schedule of activities
  • - Our boutique 
  • - Inspirational messages


  • - History of La Salette
  • - Mélanie Calvat
  • - Maximin Giraud
  • - The prophecies


  • -Become a member
  • - Make a donation
  • - Spirituality