The Message 

" Melanie, what I'm going to tell you now won't always
be a secret: you can publish it in 1958" 

"Woe to priests and people consecrated to God, who by their unfaithfulness and bad life crucify my Son once again"
 The priests, ministers of my Son, the priests by their bad life, for their irreverence and impiety in celebrating the holy mysteries, by the love of money, the love of honor and pleasures, the priests have become cesspools of impurity. Yes, priests demand vengeance, and vengeance hangs over their heads. Woe to priests and people consecrated to God, who by their unfaithfulness and bad life crucify my Son once again. The sins of those consecrated to God cry out to Heaven and call for vengeance, and behold, vengeance is at their doors, for there is no one left to beg mercy and forgiveness for the people; there are no generous souls left, there is no one worthy to offer the spotless Victim to the Lord on behalf of the world. "God is going to strike in an unexampled way. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! God will exhaust his wrath, and no one will be able to escape so many evils combined. The leaders of God's people have neglected prayer and penance, and the devil has darkened their minds; they have become the wandering stars that the old devil will drag with his tail to destroy.

God will allow the old serpent to put divisions among the rulers, in all societies and in all families; physical and moral pains will be suffered; God will abandon men to themselves, and will send chastisements that will succeed one another for more than 35 years.

Society is on the eve of the most terrible plagues and the greatest events; we must expect to be governed by a rod of iron and to drink the chalice of God's wrath. Let the vicar of my Son, the Supreme Pontiff Pius IX, never leave Rome after 1859; but let him be firm and generous, let him fight with the weapons of faith and love; I will be with him. Let him beware of Napoleon; his heart is double, and when he wants to be both Pope and Emperor, God will soon withdraw from him: he is that eagle, which always wanting to rise, will fall on the sword he wanted to use to force people to rise.

Italy will be punished for its ambition in wanting to shake off the yoke of the Lord of Lords; it will also be given over to war; blood will flow on all sides: churches will be closed or profaned; priests and religious will be driven out; they will be put to death, and die a cruel death. Many will abandon the faith, and the number of priests and religious who will break away from the true religion will be great, including bishops.

Let the Pope be on his guard against miracle-workers, for the time has come has come that the most astonishing prodigies will take place on earth and in the air.

"In the year 64, Lucifer with a great number of demons, will be detached from hell; they will abolish faith little by little and even in people consecrated to God " 

They will blind them in such a way that, unless they receive special grace, they will take on the spirit of these evil angels: many religious houses will lose their faith entirely and lose many souls.

Evil books will abound on earth, and the spirits of darkness will spread everywhere a universal slackness for everything that concerns the service of God; they will have a very great power over nature: there will be churches to serve these spirits. People will be carried from one place to another by these evil spirits, and even priests, because they will not be led by the good spirit of the Gospel, which is a spirit of humility, charity and zeal for the glory of God

 The Vicar of my Son will have much to suffer, because for a time the Church will be given over to great persecutions: this will be the time of darkness: the Church will have a dreadful crisis. With God's holy faith forgotten, each individual will want to guide himself and be superior to his fellow men. Civil and ecclesiastical powers will be abolished, all order and justice will be trampled underfoot; we will see only homicide, hatred, jealousy, lies and discord, with no love for country or family. The Holy Father will suffer greatly. I will be with him to the end to receive his sacrifice. The Evil Ones will make several attempts on his life without being able to harm his days; but neither he, nor his successor...will see the triumph of the Church of God. The civil rulers will all have the same purpose, which will be to abolish and do away with all religious principles, to make way for materialism and atheism, spiritualism and all kinds of vices.

Civil rulers will all have the same purpose, which will be to abolish and do away with all religious principles, to make way for materialism and atheism, spiritualism and all kinds of vices.

In the year 65, abomination will be seen in holy places; in convents, the flowers of the Church will be putrefied and the devil will make himself king of hearts. Let those at the head of religious communities be on guard for the people they are to receive, for the devil will use all his malice to introduce into religious orders people addicted to sin, for the disorders of the love of carnal pleasures will be spread throughout the earth. France, Italy, Spain and England will be at war; blood will flow in the streets; the French will fight with the French, the Italian with the Italian; then there will be a general war that will be dreadful. For a time, God will no longer remember France or Italy, because the Gospel of Jesus Christ is no longer known. The wicked will unleash all their malice; people will kill each other, massacre each other, even in their own homes.

At the first stroke of his lightning sword, the mountains and the whole of nature will tremble with fear, because the disorders and crimes of men pierce the vault of heaven. Paris will be burned and Marseille engulfed; many great cities will be shaken and swallowed up by earthquakes; it will seem as if all is lost.
Only homicide will be seen, only the sound of weapons and blasphemies will be heard. The righteous will suffer greatly; their prayers, penance and tears will ascend to Heaven, and all God's people will ask for forgiveness and mercy, and ask for my help and intercession. Then Jesus Christ, by an act of justice, and of his great mercy for the just, will command his angels that all his enemies be put to death. Suddenly, the persecutors of the Church of Jesus Christ, and all men addicted to sin, will perish, and the earth will become like a desert. Then there will be peace, God's reconciliation with mankind; Jesus Christ will be served, adored and glorified; charity will flourish everywhere. The new kings will be the right hand of the holy Church, which will be strong, humble, pious, poor, zealous and an imitator of the virtues of Jesus Christ. The Gospel will be preached everywhere, and men will make great progress in the faith, because there will be unity among the workers of Jesus Christ, and men will live in the fear of God.

This peace among men will not last long: twenty-five years of abundant harvests will make them forget that the sins of men are the cause of all the sorrows that befall the earth. A forerunner of the Antichrist, with his troops from several nations, will fight against the true Christ, the only Savior of the world; he will shed much blood, and will want to destroy the worship of God to make himself seen as a God. The earth will be struck by all kinds of plagues; there will be wars until the last war, which will then be waged by the ten kings of Antichrist, who will all have the same purpose and will be the only ones to rule the world. But the children of the holy Church, the children of faith, my true imitators, will grow in the love of God and in the virtues I hold most dear. Blessed are the humble souls led by the Holy Spirit. I will fight with them until they reach the fullness of age.
 Nature demands vengeance for mankind, and shudders in anticipation of what must happen to the earth stained by crime. Tremble, earth, and you who profess to serve Jesus Christ and worship yourselves within. Tremble: for God is going to hand you over to his enemy, because the holy places are in corruption; many convents are no longer God's houses, but the pastures of Asmodeus and his followers.

It will be during this time that the Antichrist will be born, of a Hebrew nun, a false virgin who will have communication with the old serpent, the master of impurity; his father will be a Bishop; at birth, he will vomit blasphemies, he will have teeth; in a word, he will be the devil incarnate; he will utter frightening cries, he will perform prodigies, he will feed only on impurities. He will have brothers who, though not incarnate demons like him, will be children of evil; at 12, they will make their mark by the valiant victories they win; soon, they will each be at the head of armies, assisted by legions of Hell. The seasons will be changed, the earth will produce only bad fruit, the stars will lose their regular movements, the moon will reflect only a faint reddish light; water and fire will give the globe of the earth convulsive movements and horrible earthquakes, which will cause mountains, cities, etc. 

Rome will lose its faith and become the seat of the Antichrist!

          The demons of the air with the Antichrist will perform great wonders on earth
and in the air, and men will pervert themselves more and more.

"God will take care of his faithful servants and men of good will; the Gospel will be preached everywhere, all peoples and all nations will know the truth"

I address an urgent call to the earth; I call the true disciples of the living and reigning God in heaven; I call the true imitators of Christ made man, the one and only true Savior of men; I call my children, my true devotees, those who have given themselves to me so that I might lead them to my divine Son, those whom I carry in my arms, as it were, those who have lived by my spirit; Finally, I call the apostles of the last times, the faithful disciples of Jesus Christ who have lived in contempt of the world and of themselves, in poverty and humility, in contempt and silence, in prayer and mortification, in chastity and union with God, in suffering and unknown to the world. It's time for them to come out and enlighten the world. I am with you and in you, so that your faith may be the light that enlightens you in these days of misfortune. May your zeal make you hungry for the glory and honor of Jesus Christ. Fight on, children of light, you few who see, for this is the time of times, the end of ends.

The Church will be eclipsed, the world will be dismayed. But here are Enoch and Elijah filled with the Spirit of God; they will preach with the power of God, and men of good will will believe in God and many souls will be comforted; they will make great progress by the virtue of the Holy Spirit and condemn the diabolical errors of Antichrist.

Woe to the inhabitants of the earth. There will be bloody wars and famines; pestilences and contagious diseases; there will be rains of frightful hail of animals; thunders will shake cities; earthquakes will engulf countries; voices will be heard in the air; men will beat their heads against the walls; they will call for death, and on the other hand death will be their torment; blood will flow on every side. Who can win, if God does not shorten the time of trial? By the blood, tears and prayers of the righteous, God will allow himself to be bent; Enoch and Elijah will be put to death; pagan Rome will disappear; fire from Heaven will fall and consume three cities; the whole universe will be struck with terror and many will let themselves be seduced because they have not worshipped the true Christ living among them. It's time; the sun is getting darker; faith alone will live on.

This is the time; the abyss is opening. Behold the king of the kings of darkness. Behold the beast with his subjects, claiming to be the Savior of the world. He will rise proudly into the air to reach heaven; he will be smothered by the breath of St. Michael the Archangel. He will fall, and the earth, which for three days has been in continual motion, will open its bosom full of fire; he will be plunged forever with all his kind into the eternal abyss of hell. Then water and fire will purify the earth and consume all the works of men's pride, and all will be renewed: God will be served and glorified."

This secret was published in November 1879 with the approval of the Bishop of Lecce, Mgr Zola . The secret had been brought to Rome in 1851 by two priests who entrusted it, sealed, to the Supreme Pontiff, at the same time as Maximin's secret, discovered by Father Michel Corteville on October 2, 2000. (cf. Maximin's secret file).

Napoleon III wanted to close the sanctuary because he had learned in secret that the Virgin Mary was speaking negatively of him, and it took the intervention of the much-feared Jules Favre, who intended to bring the matter before the French legislature, for the government to abandon its persecution of La Salette.


"Melanie, what I'm going to tell you now won't be a secret; it's the Rule
which you will make my daughters, who will be here, follow exactly
when it is approved by the superiors. 


1. Members of the Order of the Mother of God will love God above all things and their neighbor as themselves for the pure love of God.

2. The Spirit of this Order is none other than the Spirit of Jesus Christ in itself and the Spirit of Jesus in souls.

3. The members of this Order will apply themselves to studying Jesus Christ and imitating him, and the more Jesus is known, the more they will humble themselves at the sight of their nothingness, their weakness, their inability to do any real good in souls without divine grace.

4. They will be perfectly obedient in everything and everywhere.

5. Each of them will preserve himself in great chastity of body and spirit, so that Jesus Christ may make his dwelling in them.

6. The members of this Order will have but one heart and one soul in the love of Jesus Christ.
7. I want my children to be naked, stripped of everything.

8. They will have great charity, without limits; they will suffer everything from everyone, following the example of their Divine Master, and will make no one suffer.

9. Members of the Order will obey their superiors and pay them the honor and respect due to them, with great simplicity of heart.

10. The superior will watch over the observance of the rule with gentleness; from time to time she will consult with the Missionary Father who will take care of your souls, in order to be helped in the good government of the house; she will be the most humble and will be more severe for herself than for the others. She will correct her daughters' faults with great gentleness and prudence; she will always lift her soul to God before making a correction.

11. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed in the sanctuary day and night, during the months of September, February and May, where members of the Order will be happy to spend happy hours when charity or the salvation of souls do not keep them elsewhere.

12. They will lead a very interior life, albeit a laborious one, uniting the contemplative life with the active life; they will sacrifice themselves and make themselves all victims of Jesus and of Jesus crucified.

13. They will receive daily, with true piety, the Bread of Life; you may, however, withhold communion from some members when you see that they are not following in the footsteps of Jesus crucified.

14. In addition to the fasts commanded by the Church, they will fast during the months of September, February and May. They will make use of some instruments of penance; those who are too weak and unable to perform the works of atonement, will humbly and meekly offer their infirmity to Jesus Christ.

15. They will fast every Friday and do some penance. All these works will be offered for the souls in Purgatory, in favor of the conversion of sinners and for their own advancement in the love of God.

16. The members of the Order will be very humble and gentle towards the seculars, and will receive them with great kindness; those who are the most humble will have the first place in the heart of Jesus as well as in mine.

17. The members will have but one heart and one soul; none will hold to his own will.

18. They will be angelically pure; they will observe great modesty in everything and everywhere.

19. All will keep a great silence, carefully avoiding useless conversations with strangers.

20. The subjects who wish to be received will be in the most sincere disposition to give themselves entirely to God and to sacrifice themselves for His love. They will be attached to obedience, which will lead them to heaven.

21. They will not be admitted to the number of postulants until they have made a 12-day retreat, during which they will make a confession to work with all their strength to sanctify themselves and acquire the virtues proper to the Missionary Father, confessor of the Community; if they are willing to work with all their strength, to sanctify themselves and to acquire the virtues proper to a Victim who wants to immolate himself every day for the God of heaven and earth, they will be received into the Novitiate and will spend three months before taking the habit of the Order; and they will remember that they have been received into the house of the Mother of God only to work at their sanctification through prayer, penance and all the works that concern the glory of God and the salvation of souls.
22. My missionaries will preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all its purity throughout all the earth.

23. They will preach the reformation of hearts, penance and the observance of the Law of God; they will preach on the necessity of prayer, on the contempt of earthly things, on death, judgment, heaven and hell, on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. They will strengthen men in the faith, so that when the devil comes, many will not be deceived.

24. New subjects will be trained in the Christian virtues and practices of humility, charity, obedience, renunciation and gentleness.

25. the novitiate will last six years; those who have given proof of solid virtues and who wish to join the ranks of the combatants of Jesus Christ in this Order, will ask the Superior for this grace on their knees, and after you have made known to them their obligations to the Rule I am giving you, if they promise to observe it faithfully, you will receive them.

26. Prayer will take place in common in the sanctuary, at a suitable and established hour.

27. What is necessary to sustain life and to work for the glory of God is to be eaten in the common refectory; while the body is given what it needs, the soul is strengthened by holy reading during the meal.

28. Great care is to be taken of infirm and sick members.

29. If one member offends another by word or deed, let him make amends as soon as possible.

30. All members of this Order will genuflect whenever they pass in front of the Tabernacle where Jesus Christ is.

31. Whenever the subjects meet, one will say: "May Jesus be loved by all hearts!"; the other will reply: "So be it".
32. The nuns will say the Office, like the nuns of Corenc near Grenoble; chapters and other practices will be done in the same way.

33. All members will wear a cross like mine.

Make Our Lady of La Salette known through your faith!

"I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in."
How will you respond to God's invitation?

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