Center Notre-Dame de La Salette de Chicoutimi

« My spirituality is characterized by fidelity to Christ and His Church,
                    fidelity to what is deepest within me »

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Center history


Michel Marcotte est le fondateur premier du Centre Notre-Dame de la Salette de Chicoutimi 

During a personal retreat, a very strong desire for community is born...


Pèlerinage au sanctuaire Notre-Dame de la Salette dans les Alpes françaises

« Kiss the icon of Mary. From now on, she will accompany you with her perfume »


Inauguration du Centre Notre-Dame de la Salette par l’évêque du diocèse.

Beginning of the first activities...


Rencontre et mariage avec Gabrielle Lavallée le 7 août 2010

Watch the report in the art magazine "La semaine"

Michel Marcotte is the original founder of the Centre

I feel like a shepherd, responsible for a flock entrusted to me by the Lord.
It is also characterized by a deep suffering from which I feel that Love is not loved; Love is not received, Love is not understood. I deeply sympathize with the suffering of Pope John Paul II, with whom I feel profoundly united. "Finally, my spirituality is characterized by fidelity to Christ and his Church, fidelity to what is deepest within me.

Founder's spirituality 💖
My spirituality is characterized by an intimate life with the Trinity and the Blessed Virgin. Wherever I am, I feel the Lord present. I feel constantly in union with Him. When I'm in pain, I offer it to him immediately, and my pain passes more easily. When I listen to someone in pain, I immediately present them to Mary, asking her to present them to her Son, so that he can present them to his Father. From time to time, I go straight to the Father, calling him "Dad". It's also characterized by a deep desire to proclaim the Word in season and out of season. The words "Proclaim, Son of Man, exhort, cry out my love" constantly rise up from deep within me. When I speak of Christ's love, it's as if my whole being is invaded by love. Tears come easily to my eyes. I feel transformed, transfigured. I feel that my whole exterior is transformed, I feel that my voice changes and then I feel that the Word penetrates deeply into the hearts of those who hear it. When I speak of Him, I could talk for hours without interruption. I'm out of time. I feel like I'm being lifted up, drawn upwards, between God and humanity. I feel like an instrument who can say: "It's no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me". 

My spirituality is also characterized by a deep desire to reconcile man with the Father.
This invites me to be attentive to people who are suffering, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. I feel like a shepherd, responsible for a flock entrusted to me by the Lord. It is also characterized by deep suffering, from which I sense that Love is not loved; Love is not received, Love is not understood. I deeply sympathize with the suffering of Pope John Paul II, with whom I feel profoundly united. Finally, my spirituality is characterized by fidelity to Christ and his Church, fidelity to what is deepest within me."
June 1979: During a personal retreat, a very strong community desire is born.

July 1979: During a community prayer, an inner locution is received: "Passing through Grenoble, you will go to La Salette, and there I will give you the objective of my community".

September 1979: Presentation to the diocesan bishop of a project for an evangelization center dedicated to Notre-Dame de la Salette. The local bishop invites prayer and takes the appeal seriously.

June 15, 1984: Meeting with Father Daniel Ange in Quebec City. He gives us these words: "Embrace the icon of Mary. From now on, she will accompany you with her perfume.

November 1987: My spiritual director tells me: "You must leave for La Salette as soon as possible to verify what the Virgin has given you as her word."

July 5 to 11, 1988: Pilgrimage to the Notre-Dame de la Salette shrine in the French Alps. Meeting with Father Don Gobbi and historian Fernand Corteville. Special grace: reconciliation of a couple at the same time as I obtained a grace in the basilica. This Quebec couple, divorced for 6 years, reconciled. Discovery of the grace of La Salette: RECONCILIATOR OF FISHERS.

Autumn 1988: Meeting with the diocesan bishop. He invites us to take steps in faith. He invites us to meet with different religious communities to ask for prayers so that the project can be realized not in our own way, but in God's way.

May 1991: Founder's house sold. Invitation from the Augustines de la Miséricorde community to visit a small house belonging to them. The Augustinian Council agrees to lend the house for one year.

November 1, 1991: Inauguration of the Centre Notre-Dame de la Salette by the diocesan bishop. First activities begin.

End of November 1991: First reconciliation of a couple (see testimonial).

June 1992: The Augustinian sisters, seeing the fruits of the Center, decide to donate the house to the non-profit corporation Centre d'évangélisation Notre-Dame de la Salette.

September 19, 1993
Feast of Notre-Dame de la Salette, more than 300 people take part in the Eucharist outside the Centre in the bitter cold. Fortunately, the sun shone. As last year, a procession in honor of the Virgin of La Salette takes place in the streets around the Center (175 people). Many came from Lac St-Jean. Many of the sick receive the anointing of the sick.

September 5, 1994
A delicate touch from our mother in heaven. Don Gobi visits the Center on Labor Day Monday. He never goes to the regions, but always to the great Marian centers of the world. On Sunday, September 4, he came to Chicoutimi's Notre-Dame de Grace Church to proclaim the Virgin Mary's message for today's world. Today, September 5, he came to pray at the Center and to have lunch with the entire team. Thank you, Mother Mary, for this wonderful visit.

September 11-19, 1994
A beautiful novena, with a great turnout every evening. As every year, the novena ended with a procession through the streets of Chicoutimi. For the first time, the procession took place on a weekday evening, and we headed to St-Joachim parish for a Eucharistic celebration in honor of the Virgin Mary. Parish priest Antoine Guillemette agreed to carry the cross during the torchlight procession. A total of 11O people marched through the streets for the Virgin Mary. More than l50 attended the Eucharistic celebration. How happy Mother Mary must be!

Novena 1995
What a novena from September 11 to 19! The Center is abuzz with activity. We don't know what's going on. There are so many worlds and so many graces of reconciliation. We've had evenings when there were 70 people in our small room, which can hold a maximum of 40. We're packed like vegetables, but everyone feels the family spirit. What moving testimonials! I saw several elderly people crying with joy after an evening at the Centre. It's here that we can see that the Center meets an important need in the diocese. I often think of the prophecy of the Curé d'Ars when he said: "The day will come when men will be so tired of hearing about man that they will weep when they hear about God.

Procession 1995
It's September 19. It's the big day. What a beautiful procession! Over 200 people marched to St-Joachim church. When we arrived at the church, the bells started ringing. Over 400 people attended the mass.

September 19, 1997
The feast of Notre-Dame de la Salette. It's raining. Are we going to do the procession anyway? Father Robert Gagné came down from Sainte-Anne de la Pocatière to celebrate the Eucharist. An excellent Eucharistic celebration, with over 300 people in attendance. Despite the rain, we decided to go ahead with the procession.

Novena 2000
Father Bob Dingman came to lead a triduum on September 17-18 and 19. There were around 200 people in attendance each evening. Given the number of participants, the event was held at St-Paul's church. We really felt the presence of Notre-Dame de la Salette on this occasion. There were a number of physical healings, including that of an Augustinian nun who had been suffering from fibromyalgia for several years. She was healed on the evening of the 17th.👉

Our Lady of La Salette weeps twice

Thursday, September 21, 2000
Sunday, March 23, 2003 at time

The Lord gave us a great grace
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We approached the statue and saw oil dripping from the Virgin's left eye, spreading all over the statue. We placed absorbent cotton on the statue, which soaked up the oil. Then we noticed that Christ on the cross was also oozing from his arms. On the cross, there's a hammer on one side and pincers on the other; the pincers were oozing, not the hammer. In this way, Our Lady shows us that she needs us to collaborate with her in carrying her Son's cross.

Our Lady of La Salette cries again

Sunday, March 23, 2003,
Our Lady of La Salette weeps for the second time. This time, she is filled with reddish oil. What does this mean? (cf. fioretti)

Our Lady weeps in front of 50 people

Tuesday, March 25,
little tears flow from the eyes of the statue of Notre-Dame de la Salette.

The crucifix is weeping

Wednesday, March 26, 2003, 10:30 a.m.

The crucifix is filled with reddish oil and smells of perfume. Several witnesses are present, including three priests.

End of March 2003

The local bishop and Mgr. Ouellet of Quebec receive a short amateur video shot during the Virgin's first lachryminations. The bishop invites us to keep this phenomenon discreet.


October 2010

Major renovation at the Center.
We feel the presence of St. Joseph and the Virgin Mary. Even the workers are touched, and they tell us so. I'll give you an example: on the floor plan of the main hall, we had the video outlets so we could do PowerPoint in a very specific place. The electrician came to see us. Gabrielle and I had moved all the Centre's equipment into the room where the plug was to be. The electrician said to us: "I've got to come and do the plug here today at all costs, you'll have to move everything you've placed here. Gabrielle and I set to work again. We had a statue of the Virgin which we then placed in a corner. The electrician comes to do his plug. He came to see us again and said: "You know, I'm very religious myself. I've just been through something, I don't know how to tell you, but the statue of the Virgin Mary that you've placed in the corner, it's as if she's telling me in my heart that she'd like the plug where you've just placed it. What do I do." We looked at each other and said, "Place it where the Virgin told you, it's her Center, not ours." This is an example of what happens, and what fiorettis could be told.

The painter's testimony
The painter's name is Luc. One morning, he came down to the apartment. Big tears were running down his eyes. He was asked, "What's the matter?" He said, "The big crucifix, upstairs in the great hall, it's lying on the table". We replied, "Yes, we placed it there while we were waiting to mount it on the wall." He added: "I can't look at it, it makes me cry. I think it's partly because of me that he's being crucified like this, because of all the evil I've done in my life". We replied, "You mustn't feel guilty, Jesus loves you." Gabrielle and I continued our conversation with him. He was having an experience with Christ.

Inauguration of the new hall
As planned, we inaugurated the new hall on March 25, 2010. How beautiful it is! What a beautiful evening! All three bishops were present: Mgr Rivest, Mgr Couture and Mgr Pedneault. Father Gaétan Thibeault, the cathedral's parish priest, not to mention Father Simon Dufour from Centre Ephata and Father Luc Bergeron, a former young man who worked with me at Dominique-Racine school. Sister Angèle Bergeron represented the Augustine Sisters of Chicoutimi. There were over 100 people present that evening. Deacon Jean Béland was the official host for the evening. He introduced me and I spoke about the Center's mission, followed by Mgr. Couture, who expressed his confidence in this Center dedicated to Evangelization. Father Gaétan Thibeault then spoke, presenting the Centre as a beacon for the Chicoutimi diocese. Sister Angèle Bergeron brought the speeches to a close, reaffirming her great confidence in the Centre. The Eucharistic celebration then began, with Mgr. Rivest, accompanied by the other bishops and priests.

Celebrations with Abbé Marc Girard
On Tuesday evenings, every two weeks, we are fortunate to have Abbé Marc Girard with us for confession while I give a teaching. At 8 p.m., he always begins a beautiful celebration of the Eucharist, while giving a wonderful homily. Father Marc was one of Pope John Paul II's advisors. His mandate has now come to an end. He taught theology at the university for several years. He was also my theology professor at the Grand Séminaire de Chicoutimi. What a blessing to have such a man with us regularly at the Center. Thank you, Mother Mary, for this great gift.

Start of retreats with the Atikamech people
We had a wonderful session at the end of May 2011. We were more than 45 people, including 31 Atikamech.

Year 2010


Meeting and wedding with Gabrielle Lavallée


By: Chantale Potvin
Reporting photo: Louis Jacob

March 23, 2012

We marked the anniversary of the lachrymation of Our Lady of La Salette in a special way. Yes, it was on March 23, 2003 that the statue of the Virgin wept. The great grace we had was that when we found out about it, an Amerindian couple from Obedjewan came to see us. They were deeply impressed, and in the end, two other Obedjewan natives came in their turn. Gabrielle and I took the time to show them the DVD on which is printed the moment when the Virgin wept, a DVD we had presented for the first time to a whole assembly. We prayed with them in the chapel afterwards. The two locals were deeply impressed and are thinking of organizing a pilgrimage in the near future.

Eucharistic miracle (February 2013)
I guess you could call it a Eucharistic miracle for me. Here are the facts: a year ago, my doctor detected that my iron level (ferrite) in the blood was higher than normal. He sent my file to a blood specialist so that he could see me, because the only way to get rid of the excess iron is to bleed, and if this isn't done, it can cause cancer of the pancreas, intestines and attack the heart. Last September, after another blood test, he called to tell me that my iron levels had skyrocketed. He contacted the specialist who hadn't yet met me so that we could start regular bloodletting, but the specialist replied that he was the only one in the area and that it could take some time. Dr. Hudon suggested I go to Quebec City, but I preferred to wait. In January, he tells me I have no choice but to go and see a specialist in Quebec City, but first he wants to send the file back, but with a new blood test to see how the iron is progressing. I must admit I was getting very tired of this.

Last week, on a Tuesday evening at La Salette, February 19, Abbé Paul Côté, who was celebrating, said in his homily that we mustn't forget that in the Eucharist the wine becomes the blood of Christ, and that from now on the blood of Christ is passed on in our own blood, so we are all brothers. And so a prayer rises in my heart: "Lord, if your blood mingles with my blood, why can't you destroy this iron? At the Center, we always take communion with the body and blood of Christ by dipping the host in Christ's blood. I take communion first, so that I can then give the other participants the blood of Christ while the priest gives the body of Christ. I take the host to dip it in the blood of Christ, but I did this too quickly and unfortunately I realized that I hadn't dipped in the blood. While I was giving the blood, an inner word said to me: "Ask the priest to take communion from the cup". But I was too embarrassed to make this request; I felt it was a form of pride. So I picked up the ciborium to take it downstairs to the chapel, but Abbé Paul Côté stopped me (he didn't know anything about it) and said: "Would you help me drink the rest of the wine, as there's too much left for me". So I took communion from the cup. Afterwards, I told Abbé Paul about the prayer I'd prayed to the Lord.

Two days later, during the night, I felt an inner heat as if I were sweating, but inwardly. I didn't pay any attention. I continued to pray and then went for my blood test as the doctor had asked me to. Last Tuesday, February 26, I received a call from my doctor's secretary who told me: "I have very good news, Dr. Hudon says that your iron level has dropped appreciably". I told this to the Centre last Tuesday at our evening meeting, and there are nurses who come to the Centre: they told me again that the iron level in the blood cannot drop without bloodletting, it's impossible. So I thank the Lord for this Eucharistic grace that I can share. Now I understand why I've always had the deep intuition for over 40 years that there would be miracles, spectacular healings, if after communion, we prayed especially for the sick. Of course, we need to explain to people what Abbé Paul Côté has said, that is, to become truly aware that the body of Christ descends into us and mingles with our own body, and the same thing happens with the blood of Christ. It's very theological, but we don't realize it enough.

November 2013

Conversion of an atheist
What a beautiful testimony from Mr. André Marie Laforest, living at 1177 Angoulême in Chicoutimi. He had seen the publicity and, out of curiosity, came to experience the triduum, where he obtained a great grace: faith. He testified to this himself in front of all those present a week after the triduum. Abbé Marc Girard told me that he had had him as a student during a course and that he had lived a profound atheism. He became a man of prayer, and since then, he hasn't missed a single activity at the Center. He now says he recites his rosary every day.

Make Our Lady of La Salette known through your faith!

"I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in."
How will you respond to God's invitation?

Contact us

  • 156 Don Bosco St,
  • Chicoutimi, QC
  • G7H 2Z7

  • Phone (418) 545 6990


  • - The Centre's mission
  • - Schedule of activities
  • - Our boutique 
  • - Inspirational messages


  • - History of La Salette
  • - Mélanie Calvat
  • - Maximin Giraud
  • - The prophecies


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  • - Spirituality