Center Notre-Dame de la Salette de Chicoutimi

« Belonging to a lively, dynamic Christian family, whose members' commitment is invigorated and embodied by sharing
their faith in Jesus, while remaining firmly rooted in their own environment »

Come and take part in our many rejuvenating activities!

September 19th, 2024

Chicoutimi's Centre Notre-Dame de la Salette
celebrates the 33rd anniversary of its founding

Watch the Eucharistic celebration to mark the occasion

"We often meet our destiny by the paths we take to avoid it."

We've already said that: The human being is a being of relationships. Through speech and action, every human being effectively connects with others. And it is through these relationships that our existence takes on content and consistency. To enter into a relationship, we must both give and receive, reach out to others and be receptive to them, and have the openness that enables us to meet them.

For such an encounter to actually take place, the initiative may come from divine circumstances through signs of their own destiny.

Michel Marcotte & Gabrielle Lavallée joined forces in 2010.
In the Love that unites them, and through the total gift of themselves, they devoutly run the Centre de la Salette for their greatest desire, which is to do the Father's will alone.

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“Several ethnic communities rub shoulders every week at our center” 

Quebec is currently witnessing the emergence of several ethnic and cultural communities. There are some 200 ethnic communities living side by side, and more than one in 10 Quebecers is an immigrant.

At the Centre Notre -Dame de la Salette, we are delighted to be able to offer a friendly welcome to all those who wish to share and grow in their faith in Jesus Christ our Saviour. (Whatever their ethnic group or country of origin).

The Opitciwan Atikamekw are regulars at the center.

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“ Eucharistic celebrations are part of the center's weekly activities ”

Through his various activities, the priest is a man at God's service, charged with being Christ's presence in the midst of his people, leading them to holiness.

At the La Salette center, we occasionally bring in choirs to sing liturgical hymns, in order to uplift the hearts of the assembly of priests." In this way, greater attention is paid to aspects of the celebration that have sometimes been neglected.

"Spirit of gladness, joy of the Church, bring forth from the hearts
the song of the Lamb. "

Abbot: Marc Girard
Deacon: Pierre Julien Lapointe
Chorale les Enchanteurs: Watch their performance!

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Make Our Lady of La Salette known through your faith!

"I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in."
How will you respond to God's invitation?

Contact us

  • 156 Don Bosco St,
  • Chicoutimi, QC
  • G7H 2Z7

  • Phone (418) 545 6990


  • - The Centre's mission
  • - Schedule of activities
  • - Our boutique 
  • - Inspirational messages


  • - History of La Salette
  • - Mélanie Calvat
  • - Maximin Giraud
  • - The prophecies


  • -Become a member
  • - Make a donation
  • - Spirituality