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Novena to Our Lady of La Salette

During this novena, we are invited to prepare our hearts through prayer and, in a gesture of humility and love, receive the sacrament of forgiveness, a source of healing and reconciliation.

We also suggest attending Holy Mass and taking Communion.

This novena is recommended from the 11th to the 19th of each month.

Prayers to say each day of the novena

Remember, O Our Lady of La Salette, true Mother of Sorrows, the tears you shed for me on Calvary, at the foot of your Son's cross, and in your merciful apparition. Rekindled by this great hope, I come to throw myself at your feet, despite my infidelities and ingratitude. Do not reject my prayer, O Virgin Reconciler, but convert me, grant me the grace to love Jesus above all else, and to console yourself with a holy life, so that one day I may see you in heaven. Amen!

Yours: Our Lady of La Salette, reconciler of sinners.
Answer: Pray unceasingly for us who have complete trust in you.
You: My Jesus
Answer: Mercy
Answer: You: Sweet Heart of Mary
Answer: Be my salvation . Daily theme, pp 4 sv.

3. Prayer
Lord Jesus, you who see our world plunged into violence, anguish and mourning; you who continue even today to be nailed to the cross by our lack of love, thank you for sending us our heavenly Mother to the mountain of La Salette, so that she may become our guide and a beacon leading your people through the night.
Grant us the grace, through our prayers and acceptance of our little crosses, to be among those who help to relieve You. O You who live and reign forever and ever. We pray Amen!

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First day

Our Lady, I believe in your coming to the mountain of La Salette. I believe in your desire to remind me of the path to follow, which is to ensure my happiness and that of all your children. The only way to achieve this is to let you lead me, and so walk the path of holiness. Without you, Dispenser of all graces, I cannot succeed. This is why I entrust my life to you, as well as the intention that is the subject of my novena, knowing that they have already found refuge in your Immaculate Heart, and that my prayer, like your tears, will fall as a shower of graces, at God's time and according to God's will. Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler of sinners, kindle and rekindle in me this burning fire of love in union with the heart of Jesus.


Our Lady of La Salette, Mother of God... Our Lady of La Salette, Queen and Mother of Men... Our Lady of La Salette, You who manifest your presence among us... Our Lady of La Salette, You who made miraculous water gush forth at your feet...
(Oraison, p. 3)

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Second day

I can't measure the weight of your tears, Marie. They are a vibrant call to conversion. They are the mute cry of a mother's love for her children, who are in disarray. You unite to your pain the tears of all parents whose children are struggling with discouragement, misguidance and all the scourges of this world. Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler of sinners, make our faces light up with the very Love of your Son. May our words and actions bring hope, courage and unity.

Our Lady of La Salette, you who are our Guide... Our Lady of La Salette, Hope of families...

Our Lady of La Salette, you who wish to see hearts burn with love for God... Our Lady of La Salette, Foyer of zeal and apostolate...
(Oraison, p. 31 

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Third day 

When you appeared at La Salette, you carried a cross with the instruments of the Passion. With the pincers, you invited us to offer our sufferings in reparation for the evil suffered by Jesus. With the hammer, you remind us that we continue to crucify your Son. Yet Jesus went to the cross so that we would never be separated from Him. How often, through our slander, backbiting or lack of love, we crucify him again. Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler of sinners, help us to share in Jesus' redemptive work by behaving justly, peacefully and charitably.


Our Lady of La Salette, You who so touchingly remind us of Jesus' passion... Our Lady of La Salette, You who so painfully complain of the desecration of holy things... Our Lady of La Salette, Consoler of the sick and afflicted... Our Lady of La Salette, Hope of the hopeless...

(Oraison, p. 3) 

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Fourth day

Mélanie and Maximin recounted the incredible beauty of her face, the gentleness of her gaze and the simplicity of her clothing. Her radiance touches even the most hardened of hearts. Mary reminds us to get back to basics. Love needs no artifice to open up and sow the good fragrance of Jesus Christ. Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler of sinners, help us to live a life that is entirely interior, and to appear there only in order to capture God's love. Invocations

Our Lady of La Salette, ravishing Beauty... Our Lady of La Salette, You who so maternally invite us to have recourse to You...

Our Lady of La Salette, by your incomparable tenderness, make us love you do more and more. Our Lady of La Salette, You who take so much trouble for us despite all our ingratitude...

(Oraison, p. 3)

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Fifth day

Mary wept at La Salette. Why do we still cry today? Revolt against God and his Church, desecration of the Lord's Day, blasphemy, disregard for supernatural warnings, abortion, hatred, lies, war, infidelity, magic, witchcraft... May we return to the narrow path that leads to holiness. Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler of sinners, help us to dry your tears with a life founded on the values of love and justice.

Our Lady of La Salette, You who promise so much good if we convert...
Our Lady of La Salette, You who reproach us with blasphemy...
Our Lady of La Salette, You who weep for our sins...
Our Lady of La Salette, You who shed so many tears over our revolts and misfortunes...
(Oraison, p. 3)

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Sixth day

We must always pray and never stop, because without prayer, without grace, we can do nothing. Let us ask with a right and pure heart, with trust, abandon and perseverance, and we will receive the greatest and most numerous favors, healings and even miracles. Prayer is the key to heaven's treasures; if we want to become saints, let us be praying souls.

Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler of sinners, increases our desire to pray, so that we ceaselessly seek this intimate contact with Jesus.


Our Lady of La Salette, You who recommend prayer to us, especially morning and evening prayer... Our Lady of La Salette, Sustainer of the Church militant... Our Lady of La Salette, Advocate for the suffering Church... Our Lady of La Salette, Glory of the triumphant Church...
(Oraison, p. 3)

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Seventh day 

La pratique religieuse était déjà une grande préoccupation en 1846: Ils ne vont à la messe que pour se moquer de la religion, dit la Vierge Marie à la Salette. Qu'en est-il aujourd’hui? Pourtant, l'Eucharistie est la plus grande des prières. Jésus se fait réellement présent au milieu de nous. Comment pouvons-nous refuser un tel cadeau?

Notre-Dame de la Salette, Réconciliatrice des pécheurs, je veux avec Toi adorer Jésus présent dans tous les tabernacles du monde entier.

Notre-Dame de la Salette, Toi qui nous reproches le non-respect du dimanche...
Notre-Dame de la Salette, Toi qui nous invites si fortement à redoubler de ferveur...
Notre-Dame de la Salette, Providence des pauvres et des enfants...
Notre-Dame de la Salette, Toi qui veux être honorée et invoquée dans l'univers entier...
(Oraison, p. 3)

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Eighth day

Jesus, in His infinite tenderness, gave us His Mother to watch over each one of us. How can we prevent Him from wanting to contribute to the happiness of His children? How can we refuse to come to the rescue of His child in peril? Our Mother knows what we really need. Why not choose to listen to Her? Let's put all our trust in her.

Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler of sinners, be indulgent for all the times we've ignored Your Presence, and be a beacon for us all.


Our Lady of La Salette, You who always lead us to Jesus...
Our Lady of La Salette, Spouse of the Holy Spirit...
Our Lady of La Salette, Source of salvation for poor sinners...
Our Lady of La Salette, Morning Star...
(Oraison, p. 3) 

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Ninth day

At the end of this novena, we understand the urgency of changing our hearts and bearing witness to the Infinite Mercy of Jesus. Through the providential teachings of our glorious Mother, we are invited to turn to God and spread the message to all his people. Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler of sinners, thank you for the graces obtained during this novena. Lead us to heaven, the goal of our earthly pilgrimage.


Our Lady of La Salette, Queen of Angels... Our Lady of La Salette, You who revive the faith of your children...
Our Lady of La Salette, humble Handmaid of the Lord... Our Lady of La Salette, You who invite us to remain ever faithful to the teachings of the Church...
(Oraison, p. 3)

Make Our Lady of La Salette known through your faith!

"I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in."
How will you respond to God's invitation?

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  • 156 Don Bosco St,
  • Chicoutimi, QC
  • G7H 2Z7

  • Phone (418) 545 6990


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