The ND Centre's mission

A stay at La Salette is an opportunity to recharge your batteries,
take a break, regain strength and find peace.

1. Make the message of Our Lady of La Salette known throughout the diocese;
2. Prepare people to pray with Mary to hold her son's arm;
3. Submit to listening to Mary through her various apparitions;
4. Watch for the signs of the times;
5. Develop a family spirit among members;
6. Develop a sense of reconciliation (with oneself, with others and with God);
7. Accompany people on their spiritual journey;
8. Develop spiritual renewal;
9. Develop days of adoration;
10. My missionaries will have tireless zeal. They will preach the reformation of hearts, penance and the observance of God's law; they will preach on the necessity of prayer, on death, judgment, heaven and hell, on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. They will strengthen men in the faith, so that when the devil comes, many will not be deceived.

The spirituality of our members

l. The member will have only one desire: to walk with Mary and Jesus as his companions, towards the Father who is stretching out his arms to him. He wants to be the prodigal son who returns to the Father.

2. He realizes that he must reconcile with himself. Little by little, he will realize that he is loved by the Father, that he has been created unique. Little by little, he will learn to love himself as a child of the Father. Through greater self-knowledge, he will place himself at the service of his brothers and sisters. He will want to do the Father's will in everything. He will make his own the psalmist's prayer: “I acknowledge before you what a marvel I am, what an amazing being I am: astonishing are your works, my whole soul knows it. My bones were not hidden from you when I was fashioned in secret, shaped in the bowels of the earth. I was still unfinished, you saw me.~ (Ps.138).

3. Forgiveness is a profound source of healing. The member will delight in reconciling with others. He will see in the face of his brother or sister the face of the suffering Christ. Acknowledging his own woundedness, he will ask forgiveness of his neighbor. He will lovingly accept forgiveness from his brother or sister, as the merciful Christ does for himself at every moment.

4. Acknowledging the Father's love for each of his children, the member commits himself to living the sacrament of reconciliation regularly in order to free himself from all the slavery that prevents him from being in the image and likeness of the Father.

5. To live these reconciliations in depth, the member will take the Virgin Mary as his companion. Like Mary, his leitmotiv will be acceptance and abandonment. He will welcome every daily event as a grace that will help lead him to holiness. Like Mary, he will say yes to the Father's will for him; yes to the daily cross; yes to joy and profound peace. He will accept to walk in faith, not knowing where it will lead him.

6. The cross on which the instruments of the Passion are found will be the sign of his belonging to the community cell of Notre-Dame de la Salette. He will carry this cross on himself and in his heart. Through the hammer, he will be constantly reminded of the many sins of human beings who continue to crucify their Savior. By accepting to be a pincer, the member accepts, by accepting the crosses of each day, to contribute with the Son to the redemption of humanity.

7. Following in Mary's footsteps, the member will have a humble heart, accepting to rebuke one another, in order to be more conformed to the Gospel.

8. Through the rosary and meditation on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary, the Virgin Mary helps the member to enter into contemplation. He will take a little time each day to place himself before Jesus in the Eucharist. He will let himself be slowly transformed by the Spirit. If the Eucharistic presence is absent, he will unite himself by thought to the real presence contained in the tabernacle of the nearest one.

9. Every day, the member allows himself to be challenged by the Word of God.

10. Once a week, the member will take a few moments to review his or her life in the light of St Matthew, chapters 5-6 and 7.

11. By living side by side in separate dwellings, the member will become a sign ~ See how they love each other~ for those around them. Through their welcoming spirit, they will have an attentive ear for the cries of their brothers and sisters in search of meaning. They become witnesses to the Father's love for humanity in search.

12. The member will be filled with a tireless zeal to proclaim the presence of the Risen Christ with all his life.

13. He will proclaim the Gospel in all its radicality, in season and out of season.

14. He will be exemplary in his fidelity to the teaching of the Church's magisterium, in accordance with tradition.

15. He will pray daily for the pope, bishops, priests and deacons.

16. He will denounce heresies with vigor, courage and tenacity.

17. He will insist in his teaching on mercy, the unconditional love of the Father, the total gift of the Son, the last ends.

18. He will unceasingly invoke the Holy Spirit, crying out: “Maranatha, maranatha, come Lord Jesus, come.”

19. He will turn to the Virgin Mary, his model par excellence, who unceasingly intercedes in heaven for each of her children. He will unite himself deeply to her prayer, so that the Son, the Way, the Truth and the Life may be recognized as Savior and Lord.

2O. Prayer doesn't just consist in the number of words, nor in the repetition of formulas. It's a heart-to-heart with God, the Father, full of tenderness for each and every one of us. To pray is to enter deeply into ourselves, establishing a close relationship with the Loving Father. To pray is to surrender our lives into the hands of the Father who unceasingly cares for each one of us.

21. The disciple of La Salette is the one who shares Mary's compassion for the sufferings of the world. They are invited to hand over everything to Christ through Mary

Make Our Lady of La Salette known through your faith!

"I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in."
How will you respond to God's invitation?

Contact us

  • 156 Don Bosco St,
  • Chicoutimi, QC
  • G7H 2Z7

  • Phone (418) 545 6990


  • - The Centre's mission
  • - Schedule of activities
  • - Our boutique 
  • - Inspirational messages


  • - History of La Salette
  • - Mélanie Calvat
  • - Maximin Giraud
  • - The prophecies


  • -Become a member
  • - Make a donation
  • - Spirituality